Saturday, April 16, 2011


Hi! A short posts for tuday again.
A Birthday Celebration at wtc. A normal party.
Kay. Not much picture. Apologize ))):
Byeeeeeeee :P
                                                                                                             3:05PM Saturday

Monday, April 11, 2011


Hi everyone! I back for my blogger. wth blog is that? Is a die and bored blog right?
So sorry ): I feel so lazy to update my blog. Cause my i really nothg to blog about.
And is gonna to be a nonsense blog if i update. So forgive me ):
Actually i got nothg to blog now too. Just update *shuang* only. Hehehe
And there's not gonna be any pic for my blog. 
I searching for a new lens now. New colour and unique colour.
Myb i gonna to try green. Not too dark, not too bright.
Boyf birthday is cumin soon. What thing i suppose to buy?
Ohhh! Brain totally blank. I hate April lahh!
So many people birthday. Plus i alwys broke on april. F lahh!
I better find a parttime work now, If not i really no money to use.
Kaay. All of this now. I update soon next week for my boyf birthday (;
Byeee :DD

                                                                                          Good Night Everyone