Monday, September 12, 2011

Wake me up when september ends.

September are ain't good for me cause there's too much birthday and i had no money to use !! arggh ; Okay let's talk about the Birthday Celebrations (: Can i shorten up the posts? i had no time to blog so long i still have to wakeup early in the morning to school tommorow so forgive me ): i feel want to whack myself also. Here it goes.......
Can i skip the description also? ): terrible bad me whack me harder i'm geting lazy 
There how the party goes on
Crowded !! -.-
Whats face?? -.-
Guessing who the birthday girl? There you goes...
Know who is her? Helllo DaJia Hao, wo shi Ivy Wong (; *her introduce hhahhaa
Wohoo 1 2 3 !! I like this the most among all the picture we took ; seriously
Give a simple smile (:
And......DON'T SMILE !! hahahaa
Wooo her surprise !!! All her wish happen in one second imagine how happy is she.
OHHH !!!
Prefect !!!
Fou... -.- they just run off i haven took man
There go my little cute baby !!
Hush..they just won't stop
Happy Birthday !! :D *sorry for the late update
Flower model -.-
Whats date today? ahhh is candle day ; all around fire i love playing fire man!
There...firefire ah ! wooo ; seriously celebrate with family is the moost best feel. I don't how others thinking but thats my thinking (: okay lastly
End with this !!
Byeee (: goodnight i death if can't wakeup tommorow :/ lousy me 
Dated blog sooonn (;