Thursday, October 20, 2011

Jacker Crisps.

        *Short posts*
Hiiiii? Short posts again cause i not feeling well i feel so unwell now )'; cause i had not enough sleep. How useless am i? so weak !! I work for 3 days in KL Sentral with my sister and suxian. Work as promoters for Jacker Potato Crisps. You know right i must earn more money now ); haihhh
This lady brought more than 10 packet. Thats GOOD !!
They willing to wait our chips !!
Thats because of these 3 days i fall asick !! so so weak !! 
Thats all for short posts. I have to get a good rest now. Sleep tight everyone. Goodnight (;

Monday, October 10, 2011

Death already.....

Hi ! I know my blog are death now. And i'm trying to rescue it i'm trying. Actually i don't know how i suppose to start i lost all my idea and.....haihh ); Okay going to be end of the month and i'm having exam fever now. But i din't touch any book. LOL As i know i just trying to find money find part time work and i know i'm wrong ); so guilty.
Work with kewei for part-time.
Last day. I just work for two days cause i on holiday (;
Work harder i saving money to buy for my own an iphone4. Thats why the reason i stand so hard for ); thats baddd.
Okay short posts cause i had no picture for here. sorryy ); my fault i will update my blog soon.
Byeeee (;