Sunday, September 19, 2010

My NigHT

Went to dinner at One World Hotel wit fmly acpt my big bro.
Cause hppn sum incident, his legs...........thn Alan fetch me n my sis go 1u.
Cz my parents go d, nothin much things to write..i having a gud life now =)
Took sum pic......


Thn my daddy call us to join the dinner cos many empty place.
End..v join it. Meet Ivy wong thr...suprise whn saw her..hahha
Took sum pic too =)

                                                     me !!!

                                               she !!!

                              I b her photographer..nice !!!

                           My dessert.

                                       N her pose...cuteeeee

                                    Lastly...wit my darling.

End. tht nite damn tired !!!
Kay..gotta bath now...2mro skul, lazy.
Gudbyee to my holiday.....byeeeeee =)))))

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