Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Work Work Work !!!!

My readers, frens, n  babes.
I gonna post a short posts gain =)
I noe my blog is a DEAD  BLOG now =(
Cz i nt much tym to update..sooorrryyy =(
Tmrw is my off day...hehe
So i gonna sleep till vry damn late...thts my favorite
Workin dys reali tired..but bcz of  MONEY !!
Once i accept..i wont regret =)
Bcz of tis..i learn to make more new frens =)
I getin closer wit FISH...i will appreciate evrting tht i have
Is a good news..to me...okays =)
Our new picccc ♥
                I alwys look ''yongsui'' whn take pic wit her ><
                                        Aft dye hair

Okkkaysss...i getin tired now.
Is tym for me to take a gooooood  REST =)
I will update my blog sooon =)
N for my older posts..who ever wan BROADBAND
Send a msg to my FB...thnks
N goooddd nitesss...TATA  TATA

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