Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hi! I back to update again (: And is about my family.
So far i guess in my whole blog don't have any family posts.
Doesnt mean i dun love my family. Is just we less take picture less went out together.
And is very bad! ): Seriously i love hanging out with family more than friends.
Is just my parents dun like go out shoping and watch movie like that.
So is quite funny if i suddenly catch them to take a picture! :S
Is Labour Day! So my daddy decided to take us go Kuala Selangor eat Seafood.
Very less picture cause my camera no battery ): Ohmygod! I forget to charge it.
Before goin out-while waitin my daddy.
Our Dinner!
Next we went to see Eagle. And sorry for the bad qualitti picture ):
Saw? Look like a bird huh?
Cause i not pro to take picture. Forgive me ):
A nice warm,windy,cloudy feel (:
Is so sweeet if i go with my Cutiee! :P
Thinking to watch the Fireflies too. But cant :(
Is okaay! Will go there other time.
But make sure you go there not with a full stomach.
Cause quite dizzy while the boat stop.
Come a bowl of Spicy Seafood Tomyum Soup!
Ohhh!! Delicous (:
Okkay! Will be update soon! (((:
Byeee!                                                                                                           4/5/2011 5:14PM

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