Sunday, September 12, 2010


I admit that i too stupid to evryting i done !!! Reali too stupid !!!
Promise myslf wont ever tink bout him waste my tears anymore !!!
I can do it..reali can do !!!! Till now oso u choose to dont tell me the truth.
Lie me...i proud to myslf tht aft i hear those things, i reali vry angry n wont forgive u two !!!
I still gonna continue my life, Hope my life will be bettr without u.
U are nt the gud guy i though...ur life is full wit lie !!!
I will let u go n wont keep u anymore....i will let it go.
N wont tink bout that anymore...sorry for all the things i done.
In this game, i told myslf tht i must win !!!! not goin to failed anymore.
N i will find bac my SMILE nkeep it alwys. U not gonna be in my heart !!!
N i wont keep our memories...delete evryting !!!
END !!! nite....

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