Friday, June 24, 2011

Juneeee !♥

H E L L O everybody ! Is middle of the night now and i gonna posts a little simple post. Went to Times Square to brought clothes for my performance. Walk like hell but still did'nt get anythings. Finally we decided to buy the simple wan. Cause is freaking hard to find and everyone rushing to go back. Okay back to picture.
Is been for soo long we didnt camwhore ! ):
BBQ PLAZA. No more talking liao. No idea ): Sorry
Try to compare with those front picture. Really diffrent like *** ! What happen to us ?
Is just two of us camwhore because the rest haven ready.
Just don't think too much baby. You're wonderful !
She is the one who done my make up. She so sweeet !♥ 
And this is the one who done Fish makeup. I had a wonderful days with you guys. Date again next time without any rushing time anymore ! Okay i guess i time to sleep now. I need to wake up early tommorow for school. When i think about school it making me more lazy ): Wait for my next posts ! 
Goodnight !♥ 

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