Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Delay posts.

Duh! Here to blogger again (: Should be blog on past two days cause i like to delay ; blame me. Back to topic went to @dd idol audition as i told you that the fb page that i create few month ago and this is the reason why i need many supporters. The audition was good not as i think that worst :/ ohh lord bless me! amen. I didnt took those picture cause not in my camera and change to be a short posts cause about those photos ): bad bad bad! 
Thank you so much to my baby for accompany me! I LOVE YOU darling!♥
Went to T.bowl to had our lunch.
Cheese baked rice with black paper chicken. *taste like shit* 
Baby and her sister.
♥ my lovely baby
went to Starbucks to chill awhile.

Lastly end up with this picture
I love this the most !♥ wohoo
Byeebuai! HOLIDAY watch out more posts coming........(;

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