Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Im back =) hehhee
Realize tht i nt reali care bout my blog..
Cz i tryin so hard to earn $$ eye turn to $$ !!!
I nid it so much..nid to buy damn many things.
I skip skul gain..pmr cumin bt i hv touch any book at all.
OMG !! No wrry..i stil gonna try my best =) support me !!!
Waitin good news from ''kw''...hope is gonna b good news.
Went out yster nite wit darling frens hse bbq.
Hing fetch us..vry less ppl..nothin much hppn.
Bac around 2mro skul..but i didnt go.hehe
I wan harder, earn more $, buy a car,hse, thn move out.
Thn i gt my own freedom..good news to me =)
Done..gonna update soon =)
Tataaaaaa =D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

My NigHT

Went to dinner at One World Hotel wit fmly acpt my big bro.
Cause hppn sum incident, his legs...........thn Alan fetch me n my sis go 1u.
Cz my parents go d, nothin much things to write..i having a gud life now =)
Took sum pic......


Thn my daddy call us to join the dinner cos many empty place.
End..v join it. Meet Ivy wong thr...suprise whn saw her..hahha
Took sum pic too =)

                                                     me !!!

                                               she !!!

                              I b her photographer..nice !!!

                           My dessert.

                                       N her pose...cuteeeee

                                    Lastly...wit my darling.

End. tht nite damn tired !!!
Kay..gotta bath now...2mro skul, lazy.
Gudbyee to my holiday.....byeeeeee =)))))

Friday, September 17, 2010


Went to daddy"s fren hse..dinner .
Juz okay la, quiet bored all old ppl.
Eat vry full..nothin much..took sum pic.

                                          Always us.

                                          My boubui.

                                              Took by me =)

Done...time to sleep.
Gudnite...Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee =)))
Wish me had a sweet sleep n nice dream.
END =))))0

Monday, September 13, 2010


Im glad tht i can..... forget it..let it go!! 
Thanks to him for evryting =) N thanks to my frens too.
All of my them.. I will appreciate it !! thnks.
My frens dun wrry me, i wont tink bout those things anymre.
I rmber tis...''Let it go..let him regret when u change alot'' Thnks !!!
Tis words reali hlp me alot..Thnks !!! '''tch''
Study more hard...try my best to dun skip sch anymre.
I gonna love everyone tht loves me.
Hope times reali can change evryting =) Im gonna leave n wont keep it anymre !!!
Thnks too my besssssstttt fren alot...she accompany me whn im upsad, happy n evryting.
Loveeee her vry muchiiiiii...thnks ''my boubui dora'' =)))
She is the best tht i ever had !!! Thnks evryone tht care me n so on...TQ =D
End !!! I found my smile bc =)))) N wont lost it anymore !!!
Byeeeeeee =))))

Sunday, September 12, 2010


I admit that i too stupid to evryting i done !!! Reali too stupid !!!
Promise myslf wont ever tink bout him waste my tears anymore !!!
I can do it..reali can do !!!! Till now oso u choose to dont tell me the truth.
Lie me...i proud to myslf tht aft i hear those things, i reali vry angry n wont forgive u two !!!
I still gonna continue my life, Hope my life will be bettr without u.
U are nt the gud guy i though...ur life is full wit lie !!!
I will let u go n wont keep u anymore....i will let it go.
N wont tink bout that anymore...sorry for all the things i done.
In this game, i told myslf tht i must win !!!! not goin to failed anymore.
N i will find bac my SMILE nkeep it alwys. U not gonna be in my heart !!!
N i wont keep our memories...delete evryting !!!
END !!! nite....