Thursday, December 30, 2010

NewYear Eve.

NewYear Eve doesnt mean anything to me.
I take it as a normal days to pass. Im LAME.
Once i log in to my fb, evryone like so exicted for NY Eve.
And nothg. Didnt feel anything diffn on this year.
This year past vry fast. And i hope evry year past vry fast too (;
I wanted to celebrate with the close wan, tht easily to start a conclusion.and wont feel awkward.
My mood vry down. Is like the person i trust and appreciate break my heart ): And myb....
I saw ur real charaters. U not tat good as i taught, Myb i not suppose to bein too serious on those normal things (:
Im learning to appreciate ppl tht worth. *wink*
But im still luckly to having my precious family (;
And my most trusted sister
Okies..i trying to repair my feeling (:
Wish goin to be better sooon. I hope (;
Ahuh..Bed..ddyy time..Goodnight evrybdy

Monday, December 27, 2010


A blink of eyes Christmas is over.
And soon..New Year
But i dun care bout New Year..
I care bout Chinese New Year lar of cuz *wink*
For me..New Year is nothin much diffrent.
As i noe..i least hav the chance to chill wit those festivity. okay to me (:
Im in dilemma. Is kinna shit! I getin worse.
I take over dos food ! Enuf to myslf! 
I do all nonsense things all the time. 
Is bored to havin tis kind of life..i feeling lik givin up.
Hope something could change my life (: Wishinggg..

Nahhhhh..tis is FAT! Round Fattyy Porky Fleshly Buxom!
I gonna get a double chin soon..I need DIET!
The clock is pointing to 5a.m now..Oh NO!
Im scared..Im all alone! Bed time (:
Good Night everyone!

Sunday, December 19, 2010


No idea for the date again. My brain is blank.
I jus think nonsense.Im sensitive.
Easily mad to someone.My imagination are strong.
Thn misunderstanding othrs.
Okay..honestly..i love my life now (:

 I love my frens..n my most good fren (:
And the most beloves.....
My Sis  and   Fish Ang
I love them..they are my liveblood.
I had a boring life. Nobody wan's too ): But i have it.

But at least i still hav Fish Ang
She is a wonderful friend. even she is straight forward person.
But she kinna kind girl (:
Thnks for everything..I Love You! middle of the night, n i cant sleep.

Somethings jus making me not in a mood.
Those things jus pops into my brain.n start thinkin
I wish i can get a better life.
Okay..sleep nw,wish evrything will be better tmrw (:
Good Night

Saturday, December 18, 2010

19 Dec♥

Okay..nothin to blog about.
Jus feel wan to blog nonsense stuff (:
I exhausted..but i drink money!!
Waitin for my salary..*excited* days are hard to i do nothin
I like to upload my new pic to my blog.
Cause is more private (:
Okay..update soon(:
Cause i hav plenty of time..byee (:

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

December ♥

I love December
Cause is a holiday month..I jus love holiday
Im free evrydy..i love tis feeling..hehehe =D
Is been long time i didnt face camera..look weird.
Cause i gain FAT now!! arghhhhh!!
I really need  diet!!!
Gonna say Hello to DIET again :'(
Done..update soon (:
Good Night 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Babes OutDays ♥

Our Babes Outdays!!
Love it sooo muchiii...I noe them for 3yrs. 
Jus hang out wit them of first times..Freakin Suprise
Except Fish..cos almost evry week out wit her (:
Oukays..let's those pic begin !!
 Okay (:
Hope gonna have it sum othrs day.
Time to hav a sweet sleep
Buaiiii..Good Nightsss evryone (: 
Gonna update soon (:

Thursday, December 9, 2010

New Blog Skin♥

I change my for 2hours plus.
Search for white background but didnt get..nvm =)
Use tis first while i searchin for othr websites.
Ystdy go wtc cafe..keith lean birhdy =)
Nice party but i didnt take pic..=(

Jus a short posts for tuday...byeeee
Gonna update soon =)