Monday, December 27, 2010


A blink of eyes Christmas is over.
And soon..New Year
But i dun care bout New Year..
I care bout Chinese New Year lar of cuz *wink*
For me..New Year is nothin much diffrent.
As i noe..i least hav the chance to chill wit those festivity. okay to me (:
Im in dilemma. Is kinna shit! I getin worse.
I take over dos food ! Enuf to myslf! 
I do all nonsense things all the time. 
Is bored to havin tis kind of life..i feeling lik givin up.
Hope something could change my life (: Wishinggg..

Nahhhhh..tis is FAT! Round Fattyy Porky Fleshly Buxom!
I gonna get a double chin soon..I need DIET!
The clock is pointing to 5a.m now..Oh NO!
Im scared..Im all alone! Bed time (:
Good Night everyone!

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