Thursday, May 26, 2011

Hello! Back to Blogger again!
我华语不好,拍谢如果写错 (:
OhGod! I would really get choked!
原谅我,最近没什么拍照所以没新照片 ):
Update soon! Byeee (:
                                                                                                                                   26/5/2011 9:56PM

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Feeling like SHIT.

Hello Blogger!
Kay. First picture
My feeling gettin worse and worse. Fucking upsad to have this kind of fucking feel!
Haisss. What the heck decision i suppose to make and wont get wrong again?
OhGod! Why you wan to treat me this way? )':
Either no Fate between us bah. Haissss.
I not Emo and stop saying me Emo kay! Cause i had nobody to talk to.
And i just express my feelings. And is gonna be more worse if i keep it.
I talk to my sister about it. And less i feel more better.
Wont keep it inside like a bloody dumb felle! Haissss.
I dont know how to describe out. I just having some problem now.
And will settle it soon to recover my feelings. And thanks for the worries my Friends.
Im OKAY! Wont be bad (:
Update soon. Gotta goooo (:
Good luck to myself!                          
                                                                                                                       24/5/2011 10:12PM

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Hello! Back to blogger again (:
Short little plent posts. I having exam now ):
Gosh! I didnt study at all. And im ready to fail for that ):
What im goin to write now? Ohh! My bastard brain blank again!
Erm.........COME ON BRAIN! I lost my topics dy! ):
Ahhh! Dun care lar.
I thinking to find a work during this coming holiday.
I out of money now!
Okaay! I trying to save money for Father's Day!
What a good daughter am I! :P Hahaha
Ourite! Nothg to blog about dy.
Goodnight! Have a nice day ((((:
                                                                                                             14 May 9:32PM

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Hi! I back to update again (: And is about my family.
So far i guess in my whole blog don't have any family posts.
Doesnt mean i dun love my family. Is just we less take picture less went out together.
And is very bad! ): Seriously i love hanging out with family more than friends.
Is just my parents dun like go out shoping and watch movie like that.
So is quite funny if i suddenly catch them to take a picture! :S
Is Labour Day! So my daddy decided to take us go Kuala Selangor eat Seafood.
Very less picture cause my camera no battery ): Ohmygod! I forget to charge it.
Before goin out-while waitin my daddy.
Our Dinner!
Next we went to see Eagle. And sorry for the bad qualitti picture ):
Saw? Look like a bird huh?
Cause i not pro to take picture. Forgive me ):
A nice warm,windy,cloudy feel (:
Is so sweeet if i go with my Cutiee! :P
Thinking to watch the Fireflies too. But cant :(
Is okaay! Will go there other time.
But make sure you go there not with a full stomach.
Cause quite dizzy while the boat stop.
Come a bowl of Spicy Seafood Tomyum Soup!
Ohhh!! Delicous (:
Okkay! Will be update soon! (((:
Byeee!                                                                                                           4/5/2011 5:14PM